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Happy Maryann Day School/Daycare

Do Not Wish For a Pet Ostrich - Happy Maryann Virtual Library

英文有句厘語:"Be Careful What You Wish For" 很多時候我們都羨慕別人擁有的卻沒意識到不是每個想要的東西都真正的適合自己的需求。

書中的主角Emma 認真許願想要擁有一隻寵物鴕鳥而向流星許願以後:願望成真! Emma跟寵物鴕鳥經歷了一件又一件令人崩潰的事情之後, Emma開始懷疑自己的決定是不是太衝動了.....

Teaching Point: 關於動物的正確觀念與知識、做出負責任的決定、尊重動物。

"Do Not Wish For A Pet Ostrich!" is a cautionary tale about a young girl named Emma who makes an impulsive wish for a pet ostrich through wishing to the shooting star. Her wish comes true, and she gets a fully grown ostrich named Oscar. However, Emma soon realizes that having an ostrich as a pet is challenging and disruptive. She embarks on a quest to find the Wise Old Owl, who advises her to reverse her wish and let Oscar return to his natural habitat. Emma learns the importance of responsible decision-making and the need to appreciate and protect wildlife.

Teaching Point: The concepts of animals, responsible decision-making, and the importance of respecting wildlife.

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